Function Name | Description | Supported Devices |
CLIENT_Init | initialize SDK | all |
CLIENT_Cleanup | clean up SDK – always use this | all |
CLIENT_GetSDKVersion | get SDK version | all |
CLIENT_GetLastError | get SDK last error | all |
CLIENT_SetAutoReconnect | set SDK reconnection function/callback | all |
CLIENT_SetConnectTime | set SDK timeouts | all |
CLIENT_SetSubconnCallBack | set secondary connection/disconnection callback | all |
CLIENT_SetDVRMessCallBack | set callback for DVR events | all |
CLIENT_StartListenEx | subscribe to DVR events | all |
CLIENT_StopListen | unsubscribe from DVR events | all |
CLIENT_Login | login to a device | all |
CLIENT_LoginEx | extended login function | all |
CLIENT_Logout | log off from a device | all |
CLIENT_SetNetworkParam | set network environment | all |
CLIENT_SearchDevices | search devices in LAN | all |
CLIENT_ModifyDevice | edit device IP | all |
CLIENT_QuerySystemInfo | receive device supported info | all |
Címke: sdk
DAHUA – ANPR-enabled IP Cameras

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DAHUA SDK – Bespoke Software Solutions
What is a SDK?
SDK is an acronym for Software Development Kit and is, usually, a client side library that facilitates usage of an API. In our case, it facilitates the use of the API presented by DAHUA products.
DAHUA SDK Examples – Part 1
DAHUA’s native SDK uses C++ and is available both for Windows and *nix users. The typical application goes like this:
Continue reading DAHUA SDK Examples – Part 1