10 thoughts on “Dahua Account Locked

    1. Hello Jaber

      Does it happen with all your cameras? Maybe someone is trying to log into your cameras with the wrong password?


    1. Good day

      Most probably, there is a client software or a device trying to access your account with an invalid password. A reboot of the device might clear the error, but that doesn’t stop the device from being probed / tried to login with invalid credentials.

      DAHUA@EVOSEC team.

  1. Hello,

    How can I change the password of my camera? When I try using the ConfigTools application, I receive a message saying that my account is locked. I believe this is because I tried too many times. How can I unlock it, please?

    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards.

    1. Good afternoon

      First of all, you can “unlock” a locked account by resetting the device.
      Secondly, if you still get locked pretty quickly, might be that other devices (or other software) is trying to access your camera, but with improper credentials. We would suggest you try to change your password without connecting the camera to the Internet, but just to your local network (LAN).

      DAHUA@EvoSec Team

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