We got the solution(s) to your problems! We offer a fast way for you to reset and change any password used on older or newer DAHUA products.
Works with almost any DAHUA device – IP Camera, HDCVI DVR, NVR, Video Door Phone etc We only need your IP or DDNS / Dynamic DNS / domain name and the WEB port* (not data/37777 port).
We will reset the password and send you the temporary password (via e-mail). You don’t need USB, VGA or HDMI access. Simple and fast! Order now – for just 9.99USD!
*WEB port is usually 80 if you can access your camera via IE / Chrome / EDGE, even if it’s behind a router.
Money Back Guarantee clause: if our service fails to (re)give access to your devices, we will fully-refund you! All our payments are processed securely via PayPal!