Function Name | Description | Supported Devices |
CLIENT_Init | initialize SDK | all |
CLIENT_Cleanup | clean up SDK – always use this | all |
CLIENT_GetSDKVersion | get SDK version | all |
CLIENT_GetLastError | get SDK last error | all |
CLIENT_SetAutoReconnect | set SDK reconnection function/callback | all |
CLIENT_SetConnectTime | set SDK timeouts | all |
CLIENT_SetSubconnCallBack | set secondary connection/disconnection callback | all |
CLIENT_SetDVRMessCallBack | set callback for DVR events | all |
CLIENT_StartListenEx | subscribe to DVR events | all |
CLIENT_StopListen | unsubscribe from DVR events | all |
CLIENT_Login | login to a device | all |
CLIENT_LoginEx | extended login function | all |
CLIENT_Logout | log off from a device | all |
CLIENT_SetNetworkParam | set network environment | all |
CLIENT_SearchDevices | search devices in LAN | all |
CLIENT_ModifyDevice | edit device IP | all |
CLIENT_QuerySystemInfo | receive device supported info | all |
Category: Quick Answers
DAHUA gDMSS Eller iDMSS For Windows
Change Password for gDMSS Lite
DAHUA Teknologi Standardpassord
Spørsmål: Hva er standardpassordet for DAHUA teknologi?
Svar: Standardpassordet for DAHUA teknologi er det samme som brukernavnet.
DAHUA IP Camera (IPC) Konto låst
Den enkleste måten å bli kvitt denne feilen er å gjenstarte/hvile din IP-kamera(IPC).
DAHUA DVR Tilbakestillingsknapp
DVR har ikke en ‘general reset knappen’. Men, hvis du har glemt passordet, kan du bruke vår Tilbakestill passord service og deretter tilbakestille enheten gjennom dedikerte innstillingsmenyen.
Aktivere Telnet – DAHUA
Spørsmål: How can I enable telnet access?
Svar: On some devices you can use this URL: http://DEVICE IP:HTTP port/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&Telnet.Enable=true . You will need a valid username and password for this operation to succeed.
If you have forgotten your password, you can use our DVR / NVR password recovery service.
We do not recommend to keep your telnet service enabled, as your device and your private video surveillance system will become a target for hackers.
gDMSS user is locked
There are two reasons that will make gDMSS (DMSS Android version) show you this error message:
-you have entered a bad password: please check it / retype it
-someone has tried to access your account and it got locked
In both cases after you check that the username and the password are the right ones you should reboot your device!
If you have forgotten your password, you can use our DVR / NVR password recovery service.
[[[Factory reset]]] DAHUA IP Camera
Broadly speaking, there are two simple ways to reset your IP Camera:
-using an external reset button, if the camera provides one
-using an internal reset button – you will have to disassemble the camera for this
Hvis din DVR er pipelyd, bør du sjekke loggene eller skjermen som er koblet til DVR å se hvis det er feil.