EVOSEC, DAHUA and AI solutions

evosec providing customized services for AI developers and integrators

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the convergence of surveillance systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and software development has opened up a realm of possibilities. One such avenue is the utilization of DAHUA’s own SDK (Software Development Kit) and devices, which serves as a gateway for AI providers to integrate their own cutting-edge AI algorithms into the solutions provided to their clients, in a B2B matter. This advancement not only enhances security measures but also paves the way for innovative applications across various industries.

Fortsätt läsa EVOSEC, DAHUA and AI solutions

DAHUA Devices and Home Automation

Domoticz, Home Assistant, Smartthings, Homeseer are just a few of the solutions used to automate a home. We’re working on fully integrating the DAHUA devices with these solutions.

So, what do you use? What would you like?

Don’t forget to check out our DAHUA<->MQTT broker/translator!

DAHUA gDMSS Eller iDMSS För Windows

Are you looking for a iDMSS or gDMSS-like software for Windows? Our friends at https://www.preferredsolutions.us?offer a good alternative for it – named IPRVM, since no DMSS software has been written for Microsoft Windows. Fortsätt läsa DAHUA gDMSS Eller iDMSS För Windows

DAHUA devices displaying ”HACKED [x]” as Channel Name

DAHUA Recording Devices have been Hacked globally

It seems that many recording devices manufactured by DAHUA have been accessed and reconfigured, one way or another, by automated software developed by hackers. Usually, these are devices that are directly connected to the Internet and are accessed directly, not via a VPN or, maybe, a SSH tunnel (please contact us if you want to know how to secure your devices).
Devices affected include DVRs, HCVRs, NVRs, XVRs etc.
Fortsätt läsa DAHUA devices displaying ”HACKED [x]” as Channel Name

DAHUA Timelapse Snapshots och animerade GIF-bilder

Our brilliant Software Engineers have developed some applications that can be used to create timelapse snapshots for DAHUA devices:

  • Windows: a Windows-based application, that resides in the System Tray and captures snapshots at your defined rate
  • Linux: a Linux-server based application, without a GUI, that captures snapshots and, also, can make animated gifs (with the option to upload / synchronize them with a website); of course, if needed, we can also provide longer videos created from the snapshots
  • ARM/Embedded: an embedded device version that can be used with ARM-based embedded devices


Give us a shout at [email protected] for more details!

DAHUA Enheter Används För DDoS-attacker

DAHUA Botnet
Verkar som den säkerhetsproblem har vi undersöker och patchning (åtminstone för våra kunder som älskar att ha sina nät säkrade) har använts till bränsle upp ett BOTNET [roBOT + nätverk] (eller kanske mer) CCTV enheter. Eller, åtminstone, en del av det.

Det finns rapporter från inkommande:
The Wall Street Jurnal
och andra alltför..

Men vi är ett 3: e part-företag, är vi angelägna om att ge våra användare med säkra enheter öka säkerheten för sina befintliga enheter. Vi har redan utvecklat en VPN-baserade / SSH-baserad backup-plan för dem som använder dessa system, så är du välkommen att kontakta oss

För dem som är drabbade (offer) för dessa typer av attacker, kommer vi att ge, på begäran, en lösning som vi anser att det faller ’aktiva cyber defense’ – ett framtida sätt att skydda online-företag och konsumenter. Du uppmanas också att kontakta oss för en kort diskussion.

Denna artikel kommer att uppdateras med nyheter, eftersom de är inkommande..